Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Photos with Line

in this photo, the eye is immediately drawn to the silver star on the cover of the notebook, because it is a bright and shiny shape on an all black space. 
the orange dividers between the pages, and the papers themselves show line and flow from the left side to the right, with the metal spiral. the spiral then leads the eye up the right side toward the geometric shapes above the notebook. 
as you can see, there are folds and imperfections in the pages and dividers. the edges of the paper being slightly askew and misaligned adds variety to the photo.

the emphasis of this photo is definitely the large triangle in the center. the intersecting silver line points toward the middle of it, directing your vision to the focal point. 
the two parallel lines bring your eyes to the small triangle, then to the larger one in the center.
the lines of the notebook paper serve as a background that directly relates to the drawn lines. there are black lines and also silver, and the contrast between them adds variety. 

the focal point of this photo is the small notch in the wood toward the top. it draws your attention because it is the lightest part. it also is right on the border of were the wood is lighter, and where it is darker on the right side. 
the grain of the wood flows vertically and curves to the right slightly. when you see the chip at the top, your eyes go to the screw, then the scuff toward the bottom, and then to the contrast between the light and dark parts of wood. 
the different tints to the wood, it works like a background behind the lines of the grain. there is a dark spot on the right, and the screw, scuff, and chip on the light side of the wood balance the left and right sides.